Conferences 2018-03-27T02:37:08+00:00

4th Conference: Korea and the World Economy

Dec. 10-11, 2005
University of Washington, Seattle, USA

An International Conference of RCIE, AKES, and KDI

Korea and the World Economy, IV

Seattle, December 10-11, 2005

 pictures of the days



 map of the hotel and campus

 list of participants

 downloadable papers

Organizers: SungTae RoPresident, Association of the Korean Economic Studies (AKES)

JungTaik Hyun, President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

Kar-yiu WongDirector, Research Center for International Economics(RCIE), University of Washington
Organizing Units: Association of the Korean Economic Studies (AKES)

Korea Development Institute (KDI)

Research Center for International Economics (RCIE)
Program Committee: Kar-yiu Wong, University of Washington, US (co-chair)

Taek-Dong Yeo, Yeungnam University, Korea (co-chair)

Insill Yi, National Assembly, Korea

SungTai Kim, Cheongju University, Korea

Young Man Yoon, University of Incheon, Korea
Local Organizing Committee: Haideh Salehi-Esfahani, University of Washington (chair)

Prabirendra Chatterjef, University of Washington

Juyoung Cheong, University of Washington

Kai-Hsi Chu, University of Washington

Jinyoung Chung, University of Washington

Hervi Icban, University of Washington

SeongTae Kim, University of Washington

Edgar Luna, University of Washington

Terry Li-Chuan Tsai, University of Washington

Haejin Yoon, University of Washington
Sponsors: Korea Research Foundation
Korea Economic Research Institute

Samsung Economic Research Institute

POSCO Research Institute

SK Telecom

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Seattle

This is the fourth conference of the series on "Korea and the World Economy." Click here for information about previous conferences, including the papers presented.

Themes:  Theoretical and/or empirical papers on Korea, Asia Pacific, and the world economy are being sought for presentation in the conference. Papers in the following areas are especially welcome:

  • the Korean economy and its external economic relations

  • trade, foreign investment, and the financial systems in Korea and Asia

  • inter-Korea economic relations and cooperation

  • intra-regional economic relations and regionalism in the Asia-Pacific region

  • the new WTO multilateral round of trade negotiation and East Asia

  • Asian economic growth and economic development

  • Asia and the world economy

Submission of Papers and Abstracts:  Economists, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners are invited to submit (via e-mail preferred but by mail possible) a draft of a paper or an extended abstracts (about 500 words long), in English, for presentation consideration. Please include in a cover letter your name, affiliation, academic position, mail and e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers, by August 7, 2005 to (submission via e-mail is preferred):

  • for people in the U.S. and other places (except Korea): to Kar-yiu Wong, Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-3330, U. S. A.<>

  • for people in Korea: to Taek-Dong Yeo, School of International Economics and Business
    Yeungnam University, Kyongsan, Kyungbuk, 712-749, Korea <>

If a paper is accepted, its completed version for presentation is due November 7, 2005. Please do not submit papers previously published or those scheduled for publication prior to the conference.

Discussants and Chairs: People interested in discussing a paper and/or chairing a session should contact us. People who want to participate without presenting a paper are also welcome.

Publication:  All papers related to the Korean economy will be invited to be submitted for publication consideration in a special issue of Journal of the Korean Economy, the English journal of the Association of the Korean Economic Studies.

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