Conferences 2018-03-27T02:37:08+00:00

9th Conference: Korea and the World Economy

Jun. 25-26, 2010
University of Incheon, Incheon, Korea
A Joint Conference of AKESKDI, KIF, RCIE, SFG and BOK
Korea and the World Economy, IX
'New Economic Order after the Global Financial Crisis'

June 25 - 26, 2010, University of Incheon, Songdo Campus, Korea
Program and Downloadable Papers (as of June 21)

List of Participants (as of June 15)


The Best Western Songdo Park Hotel offers a concessionary room rate for our conference participants: Duration of stay: June 24-27, 2010. The hotel is located near Song-do Convencia and the University of Incheon.

  • Best Western Song Park Hotel

    • General information (in English) and hotel address (in Korean; in case you take taxi, show it to the taxi driver)

    • Room rates (in Korean Won): as of May 8, KRW/$ exchange rate is about 1,150.

      • Premier Double: KRW 90,000 (about 78 USD) + 10% tax. Breakfast for one person included.

      • Premier Twin:  KRW 120,000 (about 104 USD) + 10% tax. Breakfast for one person included.

      • Junior Suite: KRW 175,000 (about 152 USD) + 10% tax,  Breakfast for one person included

    • Hotel Reservation Form (to be sent to by no later than June 10)

    • Hotel map

The Univerisity of Incheon will offer you the free shuttle bus that runs from the hotel to the University of Incheon.

How do I get from the Incheon International Airport to Hotel?

  • By taxi: Simply show the taxi driver the hotel information in Korean and he will take you there. Under normal traffic conditions, the ride from the airport to hotels Songdo will cost about 50,000KRW (about 45$)

  • By public bus:

    • From the GATE 2B or 9B, take bus #303 and get off at Songdo Convencia. The bus runs in every 12 minutes, from 7:10am until 23:40. The rate is 2,500KRW (about 2.2$).

Organizers: . Jeong Ho Hahm, President, The Association of Korean Economic Studies , University of Incheon Kar-yiu Wong, Director, Research Center for International Economics , University of Washington
and Head, Department of EconomicsHong Kong Baptist University
Oh-Seok Hyun, President, Korea Development Institute
Tae Joon Kim, President, Korea Institute of Finance
Buhmsoo Choi, President, Shinhan FSB Research Institue
and Deputy President and CFO, Shinhan Financial Group
Organizing Units : The Association of Korean Economic Studies (AKES)
Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Korea Institute of Finance (KIF)
The Bank of Korea (BOK)
University of Washington Research Center for International Economics (RCIE)
Department of Economics, University of Incheon (UI)
Shinhan Financial Group (SFG)
Supporting Units: Federation of Korean Industries (FKI)
Hana Bank (HB)
Kookmin Bank (KB)
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Tradey (KIET)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF)
POSCO Research Institute (POSRI)
Program Committee: Dongkoo Chang, Bank of Korea (co-chair)
Kar-yiu Wong, University of Washington, US  and Hong Kong Baptist University, HK (co-chair)
Hong-Tack Chun, Korea Development Institute
Shin-ichi Fukuda, University of Tokyo
Won Joong Kim, Kangwon National University
Yeonho Lee, Chungbuk National University
Yang Hoon Sonn, University of Incheon
Local Oganizing Committee: Young-Man Yoon, University of Incheon (co-chair)
Yong Hwan Noh, Seoul Women’s University (co-chair)
Sung Ho Kang, National Pension Research Institute
In-Jae Lee, University of Incheon
Dong-Suk Oak, University of Incheo
Eunsook Seo, Sangmyung University
Seong-Hyeon Whang, University of Incheon
Publication Committee: Hyun-Hoon Lee, Kangwon National University (Chair, Editor of the Journal of the Korean Economy)
Joshua Aizenman, University of California, Santa Cruz
Charles Harvie, University of Wollongong
Chung Mo Koo, Kangwon National University
Jae-Young Lim, Korea University
Hyeon-seung Huh, Yonsei University
Fukunari Kimura, Keio University
Elial Sanidas, Seoul National University
Honorary Speakers (To be confirmed): Un-Chan Chung, Prime Minister, Republic of Korea Sang-Soo Ahn, Mayor, Incheon Metropolitan City
Dong-Soo Chin, Chairman, Financial Service Commission
Choong Soo KimGovernor, Bank of Korea
Jeung-Hyun Yoon, Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance

This is the ninth in the series of conferences on "Korea and the World Economy." Previous ones were held in Seoul, Korea (July 2002), Seattle, USA (August 2003), Seoul, Korea (July 2004), Seattle, USA (December 2005), Seoul, Korea (July 2006), Wollongong, Australia (July 2007), and Seoul and Chuncheon, Korea (June 2008) and Hong Kong (July 2009).
Economists, policy-makers, and practitioners are invited to submit papers on Korea, Asia-Pacific, and the world economy. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. Papers in the following areas are especially sought:

  • New economic order after the global financial crisis

    • New growth strategy

      • e.g., balanced growth, inclusive growth, green growth, knowledge-based growth, etc.

    • New international financial architecture

    • Post-crisis world economy

      • e.g., exit strategy.

  • Korean economy and foreign trade

  • New multilateral round of the WTO and related trade issues

  • Inter-East Asian and inter-Korean economic relations and cooperation

  • FTAs and FDI, with special reference to Korea and its neighboring countries

  • Trade liberalization and regionalism in East Asia

If interested, please send a draft of your paper or an extended abstract (500+ words long) in English, together with your name, affiliation, academic position, mail and e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers, by April 30, 2010 to Won Joong Kim, or Kar-yiu Wong (submission via e-mail is preferred):

Won Joong Kim, Department of Economics, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea. <>
Kar-yiu Wong, Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-3330, U.S.A.   <>

Papers will be selected through a competitive peer review. Notification of acceptance will be sent out around May 10, 2010. The final version of all papers for presentation will be due by May 30, 2010. The conference will be held in University of Incheon, Songdo campus, Korea (June 25 - 26, 2010).

Publication: All presenters will be invited (but not obligated) to submit their presented papers for publication in the Journal of the Korean Economy, the English-language journal of the Association of Korean Economic Studies.

Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission: By April 30, 2010
- Notification of Acceptance: By May 10, 2010
- Full Paper Submission: By May 30, 2010
- Welcome Reception: June 24, 2010
- Conferences: June 25-26, 2010

The page was last revised on May 10, 2010.
Organizing Units:      
Supporting Units: